[thumb w="150" h="120" e="0" noindex="0" nofollow="0"]http://www.expathell.com/[/thumb]
Ironic title. We all know expats are the ones who enjoy life to the fullest estends - they party like celebrities with brains. Traveling, investing in offshore accounts and blowing their generous spending account on booze and hookers in exotic locations. Expat Hell looks at various nightly venues like Hooker Hill in Itaewon, Korea and members discuss their favorite enjoyments by commenting and posting constructive proposals. It's a members only blog community. Maybe you can manage to be invited to the elite circle of notoriously horny and morbidly thirsty professors.
"Monger Blogs"
Nice sex tourist blog that is being updated on a constant basis. Blogger Sir Marjalot writes about his escapades in Rio de Janeiro, Thailand, Ukraine and Costa Rica. This variety alone tells tales about his wide experience with hookers from all parts of this world and adds credibility to his world sex statements as long as you agree with his taste in fine women. Informative monger blog with real images and personal opinion. Easy to read as well. Thumbs up!